The responsibility for supervising and regulating gambling businesses in Alberta lies
on the local gaming and liquor commission (also known as AGLC).
In its turn, the organization is comprised of two departments:
the Corporation and the Board. The Corporation represents
the functional mechanism of the system, while the Board carries the governmental
policy into effect through the triggers under its control.
The organization elaborates the strategic directions and policies as
well as delivers the implementation in conjunction with the largest financial institutions of Canada.
AGLC is empowered to ensure the compliance of
local gambling businesses with the fundamental principles indicated in Criminal Code as
well as the documents adopted by the organization itself.
In fact, the organization holds the power to license, regulate and monitor
games of chance activities located in Alberta.
The province occupies the second position in the list of the major Canadian gambling provinces,
ceding the leadership role to Ontario. The organization is characterized by a relatively loyal (by the standards
of Canada) attitude towards gambling activities and/or enterprises,
looking forward to conduct their business in Alberta.
Therefore, AGLC adopted a far-famed charitable license
model that helps dozens of organizations to raise funds for a particular project.